Thursday, 11 November 2010

Horror Still

The picture I have taken is of a horror scene which involves a murderer and a young female victim. I considered many factors of mise-en-scene when setting up this photo. The large sharp knife foreshadows what is about to happen. The horrified and scared facial expression of the young girl and her small arms held tightly and timidly into her chest makes the scene more frightening. The blood and dirt on the murderers hands show that he is a dangerous character who was harming other people as well as this victim just before. The setting shows that the murder is unexpected and that it is taking place at night. The picture is taken from a high angle and it is a mid shot as if the shot is through the eyes of the murderer. I also blurred the edges of the image to give the effect of the murderer being confused or in a state of madness or panic. There is also little middle lighting as it is night. The lighting in the image isn't over powering or too bright so although image is clear and you can still see what is happening, it still has a scary look. The background is lighter than the knife  so that it is clear to see and it also exaggerates the darkness of the action. Although I believe that this photo is a successful horror still, the way it differs to what I pictured is that I would have liked the background to possilbly be slightly darker just to give it more of a scary effect.
Whilst trying to take the shot I didn't find it very much of a challenge to get myself and the people in the photo into position; her lying in bed allowed him to kneel over her and so I was able to stand over the both of them to take the shot.
Overall, I am pleased with my finished shot and believe that it is an effective horror still.

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